NN4DA Working Group on the Public Nature of Charter Schools
This is the monthly call for the NN4DA Working Group on the Public Nature of Charter Schools. Time Zone: MDT
This is the monthly call for the NN4DA Working Group on the Public Nature of Charter Schools. Time Zone: MDT
Colorado Authorizing 101:Â Biweekly Peer Learning Series 10:30 am to 11:30 am, MDT. (Open and relevant to authorizers in all states.) CACSA's NEW Peer Learning Group: Colorado Authorizing Fundamentals: (open […]
CSBA's Annual Education Conference and Trade Show offers practical solutions to help governance teams from districts and county offices improve student learning and governance effectiveness.
TIME ZONE: EST Contact Marianne Blair @ marianne.blair@flauthorizers.org for more information.
Second Thursday of each month. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Hunt for more info. Time Zone: PST
Colorado Authorizing 101:Â Biweekly Peer Learning Series 10:30 am to 11:30 am, MDT. (Open and relevant to authorizers in all states.) CACSA's NEW Peer Learning Group: Colorado Authorizing Fundamentals: (open […]
CACSA will host monthly virtual networking calls exclusively for Colorado charter school authorizers. These calls will provide a consistent space for authorizers across the state to connect, troubleshoot, brainstorm, share insights, […]